google ads or social media ads spend

Do We Focus More On Google Ads or Social Media Ads?

When it comes to digital advertising, the question of whether to focus more on Google Ads or Social Media Ads often arises. Both platforms have their own unique advantages and can be incredibly effective in reaching a target audience. However, determining which one to prioritize depends on various factors such as budget, marketing goals, and target demographic.

Why Google Ads?

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, allows businesses and medical practices to display ads on Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs) and other partner websites. This platform leverages keywords and search intent to show relevant ads to users actively searching for specific products or services.

This means that ads on Google can capture high-quality leads and drive immediate conversions for prospects looking to act now or buy now. Additionally, with Google’s vast reach and wide user base, advertisers can ensure maximum visibility and exposure.

Google Ads are served to people based on their keyword searches. Google is all about user intent.

Why Social Media Ads?

On the other hand, Social Media Ads empower companies and medical practices to engage with their target audience on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These ads leverage demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data to target specific user groups.

Social Media Ads excel in building brand awareness, fostering community engagement, and reaching a broader audience. Furthermore, the advanced targeting options allow businesses to tailor their ads to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors, increasing the likelihood of conversion. Retargeting on social media is also possible for medical practices who are not able to run retargeting campaigns on Google due to health in personalized advertising restrictions.

Social Media Ads are served to people based on their characteristics and general preferences. Social Media platforms like Meta (Facebook, Instagram) are all about user personality/behavior.

Where Is The Decision Made?

The truth is today’s sales funnel is complex with mary variables reaching prospects all the time. People don’t decide from only one marketing tactic to take action/buy. On top of that, many users don’t go directly from social media to websites. They tend to leave the platform and go to Organic Search. That’s why at D Media we combine Social/Organic numbers together in our reporting.

This sales funnel graphic may shed some light on the patient sales process. See graphic below

google ads vs social media ads sales funnel
Each marketing vehicle has a different place in the sales cycle.
  • Social Media often starts at #1 or #2. Patients have no idea their symptoms are due to a specific medical condition or diagnosis. Or if they do, they don’t know that a treatment/procedure exists, and they can find a solution with a local, expert provider. Social Media typically doesn’t bring in as many linear conversions, but that’s because it “preps” for the other vehicles. It’s an important vehicle for awareness. It hooks prospective patients early on.
  • Organic Search is likely #2 and #3. They start looking for answers, collecting data on their symptoms, condition, options, etc. Blogs are super important in this phase.
  • Google Ads/Organic/Local Search combined is likely #3 and #4. They know now they are interested in getting help and looking for a provider. They seek reviews, the website, insurance coverage, etc. They look at a practice’s Social Media networks too.
  • #5 is when they make the call or complete the form.
  • E-Blast and Retargeting Ads are part of #3 and #4. If prospective patients didn’t move on to complete the stages and got stuck somewhere, those remind them to come back and consider the medical practice and/or provider again.

In addition to the sales cycle and how each tactic serves its purpose, also consider the cost of Social Media vs Google Ads and how many impressions vs conversions that buys you. 

Social Media Advertising vs Organic Example Data

Here is an example of social media organic vs advertising results from one of our medical practice clients:

social media organic vs social media ads data

As you can see, the paid posts aka social ads (in green) increased the organic posts (in blue) from 3,376 impressions to 169,481 impressions! Wow!

While social media organic is important to stay relevant with existing fans and followers, ads attract new prospects that may not know the business, practice or provider exists.

Consider Objectives and Audience

To determine where to focus efforts, it is essential to consider the marketing objectives and the target audience. If the goal is to drive immediate sales and capture high-intent leads, Google Ads might be the ideal choice. However, if the aim is to increase brand awareness, engage with a broader audience, and build a loyal following, Social Media Ads may be more effective.

Ultimately, the best strategy may involve a combination of both Google Ads and Social Media Ads. This approach allows businesses or medical practices to maximize their reach and leverage the unique strengths of each platform. By effectively utilizing both platforms, organizations can create a well-rounded and comprehensive digital advertising strategy that yields optimal results.

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Are you looking for ways to increase your patients, client base and online presence? D Media can help! We offer expertise in search engine optimization, search engine marketing, social media advertising, website design and development, and more. Contact D Media to partner with you for your organization’s tactical marketing needs.

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