Lumpy Direct Mail Dallas, Texas

3 Tips to Make Your Direct Mail Stand Out


Using direct mail for your small business marketing? Here’s 3 quick tips to get your direct mail noticed . . . and opened!

Lumpy Direct Mail Dallas, Texas

1) Make it Lumpy

Bumpy, lumpy direct mail gets opened nearly 100% of the time and can double your response rate. There are many ideas for lumpy direct mail items, but best if it’s something meaningful, funny or useful to the recipient. Look for items your recipient can keep close—such as branded mouse mats or pens for their desk. Need ideas? Search “lumpy” for more mail product ideas here:

2) Target the Right People

Pick the market or geographical area that includes your ideal prospect. A higher percentage of prospects will respond to your direct mail if you reach the right people. Niche markets can help improve your results. Messages that are tightly targeted dramatically increase response rates plus lower costs per customer. What’s on the inside of your direct mail piece should be relevant and engaging. If it appeals directly to your target audience’s needs, problems/pains, it’s more likely they will read it.

3) Personalize It

Include variable information—such as on a letter, card or personalized catalog—for each prospect. It’s easier to grab and hold someone’s attention with direct mail by using a first name or company name. Amidst all the bills and advertisements, it can be a treat to get direct mail specifically addressed to you that includes something of real interest.


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